I have been experiencing, experimenting with, writing and teaching about magic for quite some time, a few decades give or take. I still find and create exciting new ideas, rituals and applications for this kind of energy work. So I hope you’ll have fun reading about them and trying them out.
This blog is about all things magical: rituals, meditations, exercises (no gym membership required), magical tools and most of all – lots of fun. You can use the the blogs as single how-to-and-what-is-it-all-about info or you can string them all together and pretty much get a free course of basic magical training.
So here is what you can expect from my blog: lots of information and (hopefully) never a dull moment; how-to demonstrations so that you can build your own rituals; practical and fun stuff about rituals, shamanic journeys and a whole host of related subjects. What you won’t find is a Guru. You are the best judge of how things work best for you, I am here to point you in the direction you want to take with a few magical nudges along the way. So enjoy and have fun!